martes, 24 de enero de 2023



Spain calls second emergency meeting over murders of six more women

Government convenes domestic violence experts after killings of six women and a young girl this month

Spain’s equality minister, Irene Montero, attends a presentation of the state strategy to combat gender violence last week
Spain’s equality minister, Irene Montero, said the crisis committee would analyse each case in detail. Photograph: LaPresse/Rex/Shutterstock

The Spanish government has called a second emergency meeting of domestic violence experts in less than a month after the murders of six women and a young girl since the start of January, and as it considers a plan to let abused women know if their partners have been convicted of violent offences.

The crisis committee was last assembled after the murders of 11 women in December.

On Monday, a 45-year-old woman and her eight-year-old daughter were murdered in the north-western Spanish province of Valladolid. Their killings came five days after a 38-year-old woman was murdered in the Catalan province of Lleida.

The latest deaths bring the number of women murdered by their partners or ex-partners to 1,188 since 2003, when the government began recording such murders. Over the same period, 49 children have been murdered in domestic violence attacks. In 2022, 49 women were killed by their partner or ex-partner, while 43 women died in such attacks in 2021.

“So far this January, six women and an eight-year-old girl have been murdered by sexist violence,” Spain’s equality minister, Irene Montero, tweeted on Monday afternoon.

“The equality ministry is calling a crisis committee meeting at 10am this Friday to analyse each case in detail, to find out what went wrong, to improve coordination – and to make sure we always get there in time.” The meeting will be attended by officials from the equality, interior and justice ministries, and by representatives from Spain’s self-governing regions.

Faced with a sharp increase in such murders, Spain’s Socialist-led government is studying proposals that would permit the authorities to inform women who are victims of domestic violence of their partners’ previous convictions.

However, Spain’s public prosecutor for violence against women has warned that such warnings could not be issued “automatically or in a generalised way”, adding that the specific circumstances of each case would need to be considered.

Last month, the government called on courts and prosecutors to step up the use of electronic bracelets to help protect women whose former partners were subject to restraining orders.

“We think it’s important to promote the use of electronic devices, such as bracelets that alert women to the presence of aggressors,” the justice minister, Pilar Llop, said at the end of December. “Since 2009, when these bracelets were brought in, no woman wearing one has been murdered.” Llop said it was also important to tackle those who denied the “scourge” of gender-based violence.

However, opposition parties have accused the government of failing to protect women by introducing controversial legislation that has allowed some convicted sex offenders to have their sentences reduced on appeal.

Spain’s “only yes means yes” law – which was brought in following widespread anger over the “wolfpack” gang-rape in Pamplona in 2016 – has made consent a key factor in sexual assault cases.

But it has also revised the scope of potential minimum and maximum prison sentences, allowing some convicted sex offenders to appeal against their sentences and have them reduced. By the end of December, 129 convicted offenders had benefited from the sentencing changes.

The deputy dean of the Madrid bar association told El País recently that lawyers’ concerns over the “undesired” consequences of the new law had gone unheeded, and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the leader of the conservative People’s party, called the legislation “a legal bodge”.

The Pamplona attack – known as the “wolf pack” case after the name the rapists gave themselves – shocked Spain and provoked a fierce debate over its sexual offences legislation.

There were protests around the country after the judges presiding over the original trial cleared the five of gang-rape and convicted them only of the lesser charge of sexual abuse.

In June 2019, Spain’s supreme court overturned the regional court’s verdict, ruled that the men had committed rape, and raised their sentences from nine to 15 years each.

In September that year, protesters took to the streets of more than 250 towns and cities across Spain to declare a “feminist emergency” after a series of high-profile rape cases and a summer in which 19 women were murdered by current or former partners.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2023




Una crujía del hospital Puerta de Hierro

Majadahonda soplaba el viento

Cristo estaba en la habitación

Mirándome dulce y solemne


Sentí su consuelo y caricias

En las manos de aquella enfermerita

De Alcorcón

Fuera soplaba Eolo de enero pinturero

Gracias a ti Almudenita

Y estos atlantes clínicos

En pugna constante

Contra la muerte y el dolor

Turbulencias y ventiscas

Que braman contra la barquilla

De mi España

Todo parece irse a pique

Pero el mal será vencido

Por el amor

Hurra por aquellos marineros

Que luchan cada noche con la muerte

Tú les llevas y conduces, Señor

Les das fuerzas

Besaré las manos

De aquella enfermerita

De Alcorcón

Almudena muro de contención

No significa adarve

Quiere decir Amor

Y eran como un beso

Aquellas inyecciones

Que me ponía

La enfermerita de Alcorcón

Y heme aquí barco recién carenado

Cuando iba a la deriva

Traigo en la barriga los besos

En forma de inyecciones

Que me pusiste tú

La dulce enfermerita de Alcorcón

Vi en tus ojos la mirada tierna

Y compasiva del Redentor

No te olvidaré jamás, Almu,

Mientras viva

De tus manos taumatúrgicas

Recibí la curación

Noche de dolores en la crujía

El día de San Antón


jueves, 19 de enero de 2023

jueves, 12 de enero de 2023




Ayer me acometieron dolores terribles en el bajo vientre. Creí que me moría. Mi pobre mujer María José a quien a veces he ofendido y no me portó bien a las tres de la mañana me condujo al hospital en el Carralero. Allí fui objeto de trato exquisito y toda suerte de atenciones. Todo el equipo, pero quisiera expresar mi más honda gratitud al doctor Jorge el primero que me atendió y a todo el departamento. Su diagnostico infección a la orina. Se me escapaba el pis porca miseria pero gracias a su solicitud el analgésico fue mano de santo. Vi a Cristo en aquellos jóvenes rostros un Cristo tal vez laico y judaico. Precisamente ahora cuando se habla de huelga de médicos allí estaban estos jóvenes dando el callo. Me acordé de la novela de Somerset Maugham  Servidumbre Humana que es un homenaje a la profesión médica. Los periodistas hablando de guerras, disturbios etc adolecemos de deformación profesional. Nuestra versión de la realidad es parcial. Cristo está en la historia. El bien se oculta, va por debajo. El mal lo que los rusos llaman Zlo es muy aparatoso. Esto no lo debiéramos los españoles olvidar. Mi más rendido homenaje pues al Servicio de Salud. Es uno de los mejores del mundo, pero es una realidad vivificante que se oculta a nuestros ojos. Representa el triunfo del amor al desvalido. El Señor está con los que sufren y actúa discretamente a través de estos `profesionales que llevan grabado con letras de fuego el juramento de Hipócrates. Éste para mí es el legado de Israel más allá de las alharacas de la política que nos acongoja y nos enfrenta.


jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

    Cheyov Putins KLEINE Schlampen. MEINE LEBENSGESCHICHTE Tschechows Bücher geben mir Seelenfrieden und etwas Enttäuschung über die Dinge d...